Who is the Supreme God? Where Does He live?
The secret knowledge about Supreme God has been given in our Holy Scriptures. All the Scriptures talk of the same Supreme God. His name is Kabir. Vedas, Bhagavad Gita, Quran and Bible also prove that Kabir is God. This Kabir is the same God who appeared in Lahar Tara Pond in Kashi (Varanasi) in 1398 CE. After playing a divine act for 120 years God Kabir left this earth and returned to his Satlok (eternal place). When he left, he did not leave a body behind. Only flowers were found in place of his body. Vedas also give evidence that God Kabir resides in Satlok and when he appears on earth He appears as an infant. Vedas also mention that God is nourished by milk from maiden cows.