Bhagavad Gita Chapter 1 Verse 14
ततः, श्वेतैः, हयैः, युक्ते, महति, स्यन्दने, स्थितौ,
माधवः, पाण्डवः, च, एव, दिव्यौ, शङ्खौ, प्रदध्मतुः।।14।।
Gita 1.14
TatH, shwetaiH, hyaiH, yukte, mahti, syandane, sthitau,
MadhavH, PandavH, ch, ev, divyau, shankau, prddhmatuH ||14||
Translation: (TatH) thereafter (shwetaiH) white (hyaiH) with horses (yukte) equipped (mahti) great (syandane) in chariot (sthitau) seated (madhavH) Shri Krishna Maharaj (ch) and (PandavH) Arjun (ev) also (divyau) celestial (shankau) conchshell (prddhmatuH) blew. (14)
Translation: Thereafter, seated in a great chariot equipped with white horses, Shri Krishna Maharaj and also Arjun blew celestial conchshells.
Bhagavad Gita Chapter 1 Verse 13 Bhagavad Gita Chapter 1 Verse 15
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