Bhagavad Gita Chapter 1 Verse 40
Gita 1.40
कुलक्षये, प्रणश्यन्ति, कुलधर्माः, सनातनाः,
धर्मे, नष्टे, कुलम्, कृत्स्न्नम्, अधर्मः, अभिभवति, उत।।40।।
Gita 1.40
Kulakshye, pranashyanti, kuldharmaH, sanatanaH,
Dharme, nashte, kulam’, krtsnnam’, adharmH, abhibhavti, ut ||40||
Translation: (Kulakshye) with the destruction of family (sanaatanaH) ancient /immemorial (kuldharmaH) laws of family (pranashyanti) are destroyed (dharme) of laws (nashte) on being destroyed (krtsnnam’) entire (kulam’) in the family (adharmH) sin (ut) also (abhibhavti) spreads a lot. (40)
Translation: With the destruction of family the ancient laws of the familiy are destroyed and with the destruction of the laws, sin also spreads a lot in the entire family.
Bhagavad Gita Chapter 1 Verse 38-39 Bhagavad Gita Chapter 1 Verse 41
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