Bhagavad Gita Chapter 10 Verse 22

Gita 10.22

वेदानाम्, सामवेदः, अस्मि, देवानाम्, अस्मि, वासवः,
इन्द्रियाणाम्, मनः, च, अस्मि, भूतानाम्, अस्मि, चेतना।।22।।

Gita 10.22

Vedanam’, samvedH, asmi, devanam’, asmi, vaasavH,
Indriyanam’, manH, ch, asmi, bhootaanam’, asmi, chetna ||22||

Translation: (Vedanam’) among the Vedas (samvedH) SamVed (asmi) I am (devanam’) among the gods (vaasavH) Indra (asmi) I am (indriyanam’) among the senses (manH) mind (asmi) I am (ch) and (bhootaanam’) of the living beings (chetna) consciousness i.e. life-force (asmi) I am. (22)

Translation: Among the Vedas, I am SamVed; among the gods, I am Indra; I am the mind among the senses, and am the consciousness i.e. the life-force of the living beings.

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