Bhagavad Gita Chapter 10 Verse 26

Gita 10.26

अश्वत्थः, सर्ववृृक्षाणाम्, देवर्षीणाम्, च, नारदः,
गन्धर्वाणाम्, चित्रारथः, सिद्धानाम्,कपिलः,मुनिः।।26।।

Gita 10.26

AshvatthH, sarvvrkshanam’, devrshinam’, ch, naradH,
Gandharvanam’, chitrrathH, siddhanam’, kapilH, muniH ||26||

Translation: (Sarvvrkshanam’) of all the trees (ashvatthH) the Peepal tree (devrshinam’) among the Devrishis/celestial sages (naradH) sage Narad (gandharvanam’) among the Gandharvs (chitrrathH) Chitrrath (ch) and (siddhanam’) among the perfected sages/siddhs (kapilH) Kapil (muniH) sage. (26)

Translation: Of all the trees I am Peepal tree; Narad Muni among the Devrishis/celestial sages; Chitrrath among the gandharvs, and I am Kapil Muni among the Siddhs/perfected sages.

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