Bhagavad Gita Chapter 10 Verse 38

Gita 10.38

दण्डः, दमयताम्, अस्मि, नीतिः, अस्मि, जिगीषताम्,
मौनम्, च, एव, अस्मि, गुह्यानाम्, ज्ञानम्, ज्ञानवताम्, अहम्।।38।।

Gita 10.38

DandH, damaytaam’, asmi, neetiH, asmi, jigeeshtaam’,
Maunm’, ch, ev, asmi, guhyaanaam’, gyaanm’, gyaanvataam’, aham’ ||38||

Translation: (Damaytaam’) those who suppress (dandH) punishment i.e power of suppression (asmi) am (jigeeshtam’) who seek victory (neetiH) statesmansip (asmi) am (guhyaanaam’) protector of things to be kept a secret (maunm’) silence (asmi) am (ch) and (gyaanvataam’) knowledgeable (gyaanm’) knowledge (aham’) I (ev) alone. (38)

Translation: I am the punishment of those who suppress i.e. am the power of their suppression; I am the statesmanship of those who seek victoey; I am silence, the protector of the things to be kept a secret and I alone am the knowledge of the knowledgeable people.

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