Bhagavad Gita Chapter 11 Verse 1
Gita 11.1
(अर्जुन उवाच)
मदनुग्रहाय, परमम्, गुह्यम्, अध्यात्मसञ्ज्ञितम्,
यत्, त्वया, उक्तम्, वचः, तेन, मोहः, अयम्, विगतः, मम।।1।।
Gita 11.1
(Arjun said)
Madnugrhaay, parmm’, guhyam’, adhyaatmsangyitm’,
Yat’, tvya, uktam’, vachH, ten, mohH, ayam’, vigatH, mm ||1||
Translation: (Tvya) you (anugrhaay) to shower your grace (mat’) scripture-based opinion (yat’) which (parmm’) supreme (guhyam’) confidential (adhyaatmsangyitm’) spiritual (vachH) words i.e. instructions (uktam’) spoken (ten) by that (mm) my (ayam’) this (mohH) delusion (vigatH) has been destroyed/dispelled. (1)
Translation: My this delusion has been destroyed by the scripture-based opinion, the supremely confidential spiritual words i.e. instructions which you have spoken to shower your grace.
Bhagavad Gita Chapter 11 Verse 2
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