Bhagavad Gita Chapter 11 Verse 38
Gita 11.38
त्वम्, आदिदेवः, पुरुषः, पुराणः, त्वम्, अस्य, विश्वस्य,
परम्, निधानम्, वेत्ता, असि, वेद्यम्, च, परम्, च,
धाम, त्वया, ततम्, विश्वम्, अनन्तरूप।।38।।
Gita 11.38
Tvam’, aadidevH, purushH, puraanH, tvam’, asya, vishwasya,
Param’, nidhaanm’, vetta, asi, vedhyam’, ch, param’, ch,
Dhaam, tvya, tatam’, vishwam’, anantroop ||38||
Translation: (Tvam’) you (aadidevH) the Primeval God and (puraanH) eternal (PurushH) God (tvam’) you (asya) this (vishwasya) of the universe (param’) supreme (nidhaanm’) refuge (ch) and (vetta) knower (ch) and (vedhyam’) worthy of being known (param’) supreme (dhaam) abode (asi) are (anantrop) O one with limitless forms! (tvya) by you, this (vishwam’) universe (tatam’) is pervaded. (38)
Translation: You are the Primeval God, the eternal God. You are the supreme refuge of this universe, the knower and worthy of being known, and the supreme abode. O One with limitless forms! This whole universe is pervaded by you.
Bhagavad Gita Chapter 11 Verse 37 Bhagavad Gita Chapter 11 Verse 39
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