Bhagavad Gita Chapter 13 Verse 30

Gita 13.30

यदा, भूतपृथग्भावम्, एकस्थम्, अनुपश्यति।
ततः, एव, च, विस्तारम्, ब्रह्म, सम्पद्यते तदा।।30।।

Gita 13.30

Yadaa, bhootprithagbhaavm’, ekstham’, anupashyati,
TatH, ev, ch, vistaarm’, Brahm, sampadhyate, tadaa ||30||

Translation: (Yadaa) when a devotee (bhootprithagbhaavm’) the diverse nature of the living beings (ch) and (vistaarm’) the expansion (anupashyati) sees i.e. becomes aware of (tadaa) then that devotee (ekstham’) situated in one God (tatH, Brahm) that Supreme God (ev) only (sampadhyate) attains. (30)

Translation: When a devotee sees i.e. becomes aware of the diverse nature and the expansion of the living beings, then that devotee situated in one God attains that Supreme God only.

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