Bhagavad Gita Chapter 15 Verse 20

Gita 15.20

इति, गुह्यतमम्, शास्त्रम्, इदम्, उक्तम्, मया, अनघ,
एतत्, बुद्ध्वा, बुद्धिमान्, स्यात्, कृतकृत्यः, च, भारत।।20।।

Gita 15.20

Iti, guhyatmm’, shaastrm’, idam’, uktam’, mya, anagh,
Etat’, bud’dhva, buddhimaan’, syaat’, krtkrtyaH, ch, bharat ||20||

Translation: (Anagh) O sinless (Bharat) Arjun! (iti) in this way/thus (idam’) this (guhyatmm’) most confidential mysterious (shaastr) scripture (mya) by me (uktam’) has been narrated (ch) and (etat’) this (bud’dhva) by knowing in essence (buddhimaan’) knowledgeable person (krtkrtyaH) blessed (syaat’) becomes. (20)

Translation: O Sinless Arjun! Thus, this most confidential mysterious scripture has been narrated by me and by knowing this in essence, a knowledgeable person becomes blessed; which means, on finding a Complete Saint who is a Tatvdarshi saint and obtaining updesh (spiritual instruction), escapes form Kaal’s trap.

In The Bhagavad Gita Chapter 15 Verse 20, it is said that Oh sinless Arjun! This most confidential knowledge (shastr) has been revealed by me. He who comes to know about this in the right manner, will become enlightened (completely knowledgeable) and will (escape from Kaal’s trap) become blessed.

Purport - Bhagavad Gita Chapter 15 Verse 20

The purport of Bhagavad Gita 15.20 is that O sinless Arjun! I have imparted this most confidential knowledge to you. A discerning devotee will become blessed after understanding this. But Kaal God has nowhere described the method of attaining the Supreme God. The description of yagyas and the chanting of Om mantra is only for attaining heaven and great heaven, and not for the attainment of Supreme God (Purna Brahm) and complete liberation. Therefore, a knowledgeable person who will even come to know about this that someone else is the protector and the kind God, because of being out of his reach, will continue doing worship of Kaal and thus remain in Kaal’s trap.

To attain the way of worship and complete knowledge of that Supreme God, it is indicated in Bhagavad Gita Chapter 4 Verse 34 and then in Bhagavad Gita Chapter 15 Verse 1 to 4 that search for a Tattavdarshi saint.

For example, someone has built a ten-storeyed building. There he lives on the fourth storey and tells his servants, “Come to me. I will give you a sweet tablet.” Then says that there is another one sitting above me, he will give you a burfi (rectangular sweet made up of sugar and milk), and there is still another one above him who will give you all the luxuries. He has given his servants, flour and roti of barley and maize and has given a ladder, two-storey long, which finishes below the level of the third storey. Now he has given complete knowledge, but the means of access is only upto the third storey (heaven-great heaven). Now readers may understand in a special way “Kaal’s (Brahm’s) knowledge and web”.

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