Bhagavad Gita Chapter 18 Verse 67
Gita 18.67
इदम्, ते, न, अतपस्काय, न, अभक्ताय, कदाचन,
न, च, अशुश्रुषवे, वाच्यम्, न, च, माम्, यः, अभ्यसूयति।।67।।
Gita 18.67
Idam’, te, na, atpaskaay, na, abhaktaay, kadaachan,
Na, ch, ashushrushve, vaachyam’, na, ch, mam’, yaH, abhyasooyati||67||
Translation: (Te) you (idam’) this mysterious instruction of Gita (kadaachan) at any time (na) neither (atpaskaay) one devoid of austerities (vaachyam’) should say (na) nor (abhaktaay) one devoid of bhakti (ch) and (na) nor (ashushrushve) to one who is unwilling to hear (ch) and (yaH) who (mam’) in me (abhyasooyati) finds faults (na) nor. (67)
Translation: At any time, you should neither say this mysterious instruction of Gita to one devoid of austerities, nor to one devoid of bhakti, nor to one who is unwilling to hear and nor to one who finds faults in me.
Bhagavad Gita Chapter 18 Verse 66 Bhagavad Gita Chapter 18 Verse 68
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