Bhagavad Gita Chapter 3 Verse 43

Gita 3.43

एवम्, बुद्धेः, परम्, बुद्ध्वा, संस्तभ्य, आत्मानम्, आत्मना,
जहि, शत्रुम्, महाबाहो, कामरूपम्, दुरासदम्।।43।।

Gita 3.43

Evam’, buddheH, param’, bud’dhva, sanstabhya, aatmaanam’, aatmna,
Jahi, shatrum’, mahabaho, kaamroopam’, duraasadam’ ||43||

Translation: (Evam’) thus (buddheH) intellect (param’) extremely superior (aatmaanam’) God (bud’dhva) knowing (aatmna) oneself by self-practice (sanstabhya) abstemious (mahabaho) oh mighty-armed! Arjun, you may (kaamroopam’) sex-like i.e. in the form of sexual pleasure (duraasadam’) invincible (shatrum’) enemy (jahi) kill. (43)

Bhagavad Gita Chapter 3 Verse 43

Thus, consiering God to be extremely superior to intellect and oneself abstemious by self-practice, oh mighty-armed Arjun! You may kill this sex-like invincible enemy.

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