Bhagavad Gita Chapter 7 Verse 7

Gita 7.7

मत्तः, परतरम्, न, अन्यत्, किञ्चित, अस्ति, धनजय,
मयि, सर्वम्, इदम्, प्रोतम्, सूत्रे, मणिगणाः, इव।।7।।

Gita 7.7

MattH, partaram’, na, anyat’, kinchit’, asti, Dhananjay,
Mayi, sarvam’, idam’, protam’, sootre, manignaH, iv ||7||

Translation: (Dhananjay) O Dhananjay! Above-mentioned (mattH) principle (anyat’) other (kinchit’) any (partaram’) prime cause (na) not (asti) is (idam’) this (sarvam’) whole universe (sootre) in thread (manignaH) gems (iv) like (mayi) in me (protam’) is strung. (7)

Gita 7.7: O Dhananjay! There is no other prime cause than the above-mentioned principle. This whole universe is strung in me like gems in thread.

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