Bhagavad Gita Chapter 8 Verse 5
Gita 8.5
अन्तकाले, च, माम्, एव, स्मरन्, मुक्त्वा, कलेवरम्,
यः, प्रयाति, सः, मद्भावम्, याति, न, अस्ति, अत्रा, संशयः।।5।।
Gita 8.5
Antkaale, ch, mam’, ev, smaran’, muktva, kalevaram’,
YaH, pryaati, saH, mad’bhaavm’, yaati, na, asti, atr, sanshayH ||5||
Translation: (YaH) who (antkaale, ch) even in the last moments / at the time of death (mam’) me (ev) only (smaran’) while remembering (kalevaram’) body (muktva) gives up (pryaati) goes (saH) he (mad’bhaavm’) scripture-based bhakti, the nature of the sadhna upto Brahm (yaati) attains (atr) in this (sanshayH) doubt (na) not (asti) is. (5)
Gita 8.5: One who even at the time of death, gives up his body while remembering me alone, he attains the nature of scripture-based bhakti, sadhna upto Brahm. There is no doubt in this.
Bhagavad Gita Chapter 8 Verse 5
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