The Supreme God in Yajurveda: A Deeper Understanding

The Yajurveda

The Yajurveda, one of the four Vedas, holds significant spiritual and philosophical insights about the nature of the Supreme God. Several mantras in Yajurveda provide crucial details that clarify the identity and characteristics of the Supreme God, the necessity of a Tatvadarshi Saint, and the mantra of worship. Let us explore these revelations in detail.

Yajurveda Adhyay 1 Mantra 15: God is Corporeal

This mantra states "Agne tanur asi", which means God has a physical form. It confirms that God is not formless but has a tangible presence. This aligns with the description of Kavir Dev or Kabir Sahib as the Supreme God who possesses a divine body.

Yajurveda Adhyay 5 Mantra 1: God Cares for His Devotees

This mantra mentions "Agne tanu asi, Vishnve tva somasya tanu asi", affirming that God has a physical form. Additionally, it signifies that God takes care of his devotees, ensuring their well-being and guiding them towards the path of salvation.

Yajurveda Adhyay 5 Mantra 8: God is in Form

This mantra further confirms that God has a body, reinforcing the belief that the Supreme God is not formless but is corporeal.

Yajurveda Adhyay 5 Mantra 32: God Kavir is the Destroyer of Sins

This mantra mentions "Ushik asi, Kavir anghari asi", signifying that God Kavir is the giver of supreme happiness and the destroyer of sins. This aligns with the concept of Kabir Sahib being the Supreme God who grants true salvation.

Yajurveda Adhyay 7 Mantra 39: God is in Human Form

The mantra states "manushvat agne narvat aa", which translates to God is in human form. This affirms that God appears in a recognizable human-like form for the guidance of souls.

Yajurveda Adhyay 8 Mantra 13: God Forgives Sins

This mantra repeatedly emphasizes, at least five to six times, that God has the power to forgive the sins of his devotees. This divine attribute establishes that God is merciful and grants forgiveness to those who sincerely seek it.

Yajurveda Adhyay 29 Mantra 25: God Kavir Himself Comes to Give Knowledge

This mantra mentions "Kavir asi pracheta", which means that God himself comes to deliver his knowledge. This supports the belief that God Kabir descends to impart the true spiritual wisdom necessary for liberation.

Yajurveda Adhyay 36 Mantra 3: The True Gayatri Mantra

This mantra presents the actual Gayatri Mantra, which does not contain ‘Om’ at the beginning. This highlights a crucial detail often overlooked in modern interpretations of the Gayatri Mantra.

Yajurveda Adhyay 40 Mantra 8: Identification of Supreme God

This mantra explicitly states that the name of the Supreme God is Kavir (Kavir Dev) or Kabir Sahib. It further explains that this Supreme God is corporeal, meaning he has a visible form, but his body is not composed of the five elements (shukram akayam)—earth, water, fire, air, and space. Additionally, he is devoid of blood vessels (asnaviram), indicating his divine and unique nature.

Yajurveda Adhyay 40 Mantra 10: The True Nature of God

The knowledge-giver of the Vedas, identified as Brahm, acknowledges the confusion among people regarding the birth of God. Some believe that God takes birth, while others consider Him unborn. However, the mantra asserts that the real knowledge of God’s nature can only be obtained from “Dhiranaam” or Tatvadarshi Saints—those who hold the core knowledge. These complete saints possess true spiritual wisdom and can guide seekers towards the ultimate reality.

Yajurveda Adhyay 40 Mantra 13: Role of Tatvadarshi Saints

This mantra further emphasizes the importance of Tatvadarshi Saints in distinguishing between true knowledge and ignorance. Only a Tatvadarshi Saint can correctly explain who is truly knowledgeable and who is not. This reinforces the necessity of seeking guidance from an enlightened saint who possesses a complete understanding of the Supreme God.

Yajurveda Adhyay 40 Mantra 15: The Mantra of Worship

Brahm, the knowledge-giver of the Vedas, declares that his mantra of worship is ‘Om’ (ओ३म्). He instructs that this mantra should be chanted with great devotion and considered the most significant spiritual practice. This is in perfect alignment with Bhagavad Gita Chapter 8, Verse 13, where the knowledge-giver of the Gita (Brahm) also states that his mantra is ‘Om’. This correlation confirms that the Vedas and the Bhagavad Gita share the same knowledge source, emphasizing the importance of chanting ‘Om’ for those who follow Brahm.

Yajurveda Adhyay 40 Mantra 17: The Supreme God in Satlok

In this mantra, the knowledge-giver of the Vedas (Brahm) mentions another Supreme God who resides in Satlok, a higher divine realm. Brahm clarifies that while he himself resides in space (Kaal Brahm’s domain), the Supreme God remains hidden and exists beyond Brahm’s reach. This supports the idea that the Supreme God is distinct from Brahm and resides in an eternal, blissful realm beyond material existence.


The mantras from Yajurveda provide profound knowledge about the Supreme God. They reveal that:

  1. The Supreme God is Kavir Dev or Kabir Sahib, who has a divine body beyond material composition.
  2. God is in human form and corporeal, as confirmed by multiple mantras.
  3. God forgives sins and is the giver of supreme happiness.
  4. Only Tatvadarshi Saints can provide the true understanding of God.
  5. The mantra of Brahm’s worship is ‘Om’, as confirmed in both the Vedas and the Bhagavad Gita.
  6. God Kavir Himself descends to impart true spiritual knowledge.
  7. There exists a higher Supreme God beyond Brahm, who resides in Satlok.

This knowledge aligns with the teachings of Sant Kabir Sahib, who has been recognized as the Supreme God across various scriptures. To attain true salvation, one must seek guidance from a Tatvadarshi Saint who can reveal the authentic path to the Supreme God.

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