Dera Sacha Sauda (Sirsa) - Incomplete Saints / अधूरे संत

Dera Sacha Sauda is an offshoot of the Radha Soami Panth from Beas. Its headquarters are in Sirsa, Haryana, India and the current head is Gurmeet Ram Rahim Singh Insaan. The dera was started by Shah Mastana ji (Khema Mal) of Balochistan who was a disciple of Radha Soami Guru Sawan Singh Ji Maharaj.
Brief Outline of Dera Sacha Sauda Lineage
Shah Mastana ji was a disciple of Sawan Singh ji maharaj of Radha Soami Panth Beas. Shri Sawan singh ji obtained inititation from Baba Jaimal Singh ji who was a disciple of Seth Shiv Dayal Singh ji. Seth Shiv Dayal ji started the Radha Soami Panth.
Shri Sawan Singh ji was the successor of Baba Jaimal Singh ji of Radha Soami Dera Baba Jaimal Singh (Beas). Baba Sawan Singh had many disciples. Of which, two, Khemamal ji (Shahmastana ji) and Kirpal Singh ji, started considering themselves to be the successor of Sawan Singh ji (Radha Soami Dera Beas).
Shri Sawan Singh ji averting the conflict between the two, bypassing both of them made Shri Jagat Singh sit on the seat of Radha Soami Dera Beas. Agitated by this incident, both (Shri Khemamal ji and Shri Kirpal Singh ji) became rebellious. Shri Khemamal ji becoming a self-made guru, established a Dera by the name of Dera Sacha Sauda in Sirsa on 2 April 1949 and started giving initiation.
Dera Sacha Sauda - Shah Mastana ji (Khema Mal) Balochistani - A self styled Guru
Dera Sacha Sauda was started by Shah Mastana ji in Sirsa in April 1949. Shah Mastana ji had no orders from Sawan Singh ji Maharaj to start a dera at Sirsa and give naam. Shah Mastana ji started giving naam on his own after he was forced to give naam by his followers. The simple fact that Sawan Singh ji maharaj died in April 1948 and Shah Mastana ji started giving naam in April 1949 proves that he had no orders from Sawan Singh ji to give naam otherwise he would have started giving the naam straight away when he had come to Sirsa in 1948. Shah Mastana ji only had orders to propagate the Radha Soami panth but being a rebel (Manmukh) he started his own dera at Sirsa. This renders the whole Dera Sacha Sauda useless and arbitrary
Dera Sacha Sauda - Shah Satnam Singh ji & Gurmeet Singh ji
Shah Mastana ji died in 1960 after having a reaction to an injection he was administered by a doctor. He did not get time to appoint his successor.
History of Dera Sacha Sauda Sirsa
The Dera was established on 2 April 1949. Shri Khemamal ji (the founder of Dera Sacha Sauda) died in year 1960 (11 years later) from an injection reaction. Evidence is in book “Satguru ke Parmarthi Karishmon ka Vritant” (part-1) on page 31-32. He could not appoint anyone as his successor. Two of his disciples, namely Shri Satnam Singh ji and Manager Sahib, were claimants to the seat.
The Congregation after doing meetings for many days made Shri Satnaam Singh ji sit on the seat of Dera Sacha Sauda Sirsa. Manager Sahib being annoyed, himself built a Dera in village Jagmaal Wali and started giving initiation.
In the book published from the Dera Sacha Sauda Sirsa – “Satguru ke Parmarthi Krishmo ke Vritant” (Part-1) on page 56, it is written that Shri Shahmastana ji (who had died due to reaction from an injection – evidence on page 31) only has taken birth as Shri Gurmeet Singh ji.
Please think – Shri Shahmastana ji has also taken rebirth, so he did not attain salvation. If it is said that he has come to convey across hans souls, then this would also be incorrect because his way of worship is opposite to the scriptures and it is evident in Shrimadbhagwad Gita Adhyay 15 Shlok 4, that worshipper, who perform true worship after obtaining knowledge from a Tatvdarshi Saint, go to that Supreme abode of the Supreme God; having gone where, they never return to this world.
It has been proved from this that Shri Shahmastana ji did not get salvation. It is possible that, that pious soul had some earnings of bhakti left, which he will now destroy by enjoying royal luxury in this life as Gurmeet Ram Rahim Singh. Instead of salvaging the devotees, he will ruin their lives.
In Radhasoami panth, Jaigurudev panth and Sacha Sauda Sirsa and Jagmal Wali Panth, discourses are delivered on the basis of the viewpoints of Shri Shiv Dayal Singh ji. Shri Shiv Dayal Singh ji used to do jaap of these five naams/mantras of Kaal (Rarankar, Omkar, Jyoti Niranjan, SohM and Satnaam). He could not attain salvation and obtaining the life of a ghost, entering in his female disciple Bukki, used to resolve the doubts of his disciples. The panth whose originator faced downfall, what will happen to his followers? It is a straightforward answer – the same as what happened to the chief of Radhasoami panth - Shri Shiv Dayal Singh Radhasoami.
The knowledge given by Dera Sacha Sauda Gurus is similar to that given by Radha Soami Gurus. They also consider God to be formless. They don't have the knowledge about the true naam (Satnaam). They changed their naams to differ themselves from the Radha Soami Panth and give Akal Murti, Satpurush and Shabad Swaroopi Ram as their naams, which are totally faulty and incomplete and cannot provide salvation